Design a Pole’s Top Treatments in Florida
Beautiful Top Treatments For Every Room
The world of top treatments is much larger than you might think. When you need to choose the treatments for a window, there are countless decisions to make. What type of traverse rod do you want? What style of cornice top are you picturing? Do you want end caps on your poles or not? Design A Pole offers various top treatments in Florida. There are many different design options for each product. This puts the power of the design in your hands. We make the top treatment that you want!
Let’s Start Working Together Now!
Now that you’ve seen all the different window top products we offer, you might be ready to start working together. We are always eager to work with new businesses that distribute or install window top products. We offer our products to businesses for wholesale cost, making them some of the most affordable high-end window tops on the market. We also provide sample cases to give you a taste of what our products have to offer. To start working together, call us or fill out a contact form today!